JC1 Orientation 2025
JC1 Orientation 2025
A warm welcome to all our new JC1 students! Also, welcome back to our IP Year 5 students!
Our JC1 Orientation “Solstice” will be held from 5 Feb to 14 Feb 2025. Please take note of the following important information:
Reporting Details for Students
Students are to report to Temasek Junior College (2 Tampines Avenue 9, S529564) on Wednesday, 5 Feb 2025 in your secondary school uniform. Please report to the College Hall.
You must report to secure a place in Temasek JC.
Please report to TJC by 7.30am.
You will also be receiving a phone call from your Orientation Group Leader (OGL) on the afternoon of 4 Feb 2025 to provide you with more details of the Orientation (e.g. assigned orientation group).
Posted applicants who are unable to report to TJC on the first day of school with valid reasons must contact the General Office at 64428066 by 7.30am on 5 Feb to confirm acceptance of their place.
What to Bring on 5 Feb 2025
Stationery and writing materials
Mobile phones
Sufficient money for breaks and lunch
(Information on what to bring/wear on subsequent days will be provided to you by your OGLs)
How Can I Prepare for Orientation?
Please visit our Orientation Padlet https://temasekjc.padlet.org/tjc_slead/tjcsolstice2025 regularly. All relevant information pertaining to the orientation will be hosted on the Padlet.
Purchase of School Uniforms
Students will be allocated timings to purchase uniforms at the following times/dates. Cash and Paynow payment options are available.
5 Feb: 1pm to 5pm
6 - 7 Feb: 10am to 4pm
Students are also highly encouraged to purchase your uniforms online: https://shanghai-uniforms.com/. Do note the delivery charges and terms and conditions.
Students should purchase the uniforms in accordance with the College Uniform Policy. A sum of $140 should be prepared.

The College House T shirt will also be available for purchase from 5 – 7 Feb. Students will be informed of their Houses when they report on 5 Feb.
Meet-the-Parents Session
The College will be hosting a face to face Meet-the-Parents Session on 7 Feb 2025 from 5.30pm to 7pm in the Auditorium. We would like to invite all parents and JC1 students to attend the session. More details will be provided later.
We look forward to seeing you at TJC!
Please click here for
more information on appealing to TJC or to another JC.
Special Aptitude Selections
H2 Art aptitude test
No pre-requisites are required.
Both IP and JAE students are welcome
Bring your own stationaries/ art materials
Bring a phone camera or DSLR, and (if you have) a digital tablet with stylus pen using any pre-installed app like Photoshop, Procreate, Krita, etc.
Show us your existing artworks (either digitally or through your physical copies)
All are welcome!
Scan the QR code to register your interest here or click on the following link: https://forms.moe.edu.sg/forms/oZwzGe

Report to the art room at Block B 107b for the aptitude test at 2.00pm on 6 Feb 2025. Interviews will be conducted from 4.00pm to 6.30pm in slots. You may go straight to the art room if you could not register in time.
H2 Music
If you are intending to offer Music as a H2 subject at TJC, you must fill in the following form: https://form.gov.sg/67369fad92e81e4b79027994 and submit it by Tuesday 4 February 2025, 2300 hours.
To be considered as a candidate for Music at H2 Level, you must turn up for both the practical and written tests.
Details are as follows:
Individually scheduled practical auditions lasting about half an hour each will be scheduled on Thursday, 6 February or Friday, 7 February. If you have signed up accurately and by the stipulated deadline, you can check your specific practical audition timing outside J206 (MEP1) from 1.00 pm on Wednesday, 5 February. J206 (MEP1) is situated at the second level of Block J near the Auditorium.
Wait outside J206 (MEP1) at least 5 minutes before your scheduled practical audition date and time. Please note that requests for change in practical audition timings and dates will not be entertained.
A 2-hour written test will take place on Thursday, 6 February at J206 (MEP1) from 1400 to 1600 hrs. Please wait outside J206 (MEP1) at least 5 minutes before the test with your earpiece and writing stationery. There is no alternative timing for this written test.
Please note that walk-ins are not allowed. Inaccurate formfilling or late submission would also invalidate your application.
H2 Knowledge and Inquiry
Please note there will be a KI sample lesson and aptitude test from 2pm to 3.30pm at Wee Heng Tin Seminar Room on 6 Feb 2025. There will be interviews on 7 Feb 2025 for shortlisted students who will be informed separately.
H2 Computing
Please note there will be a H2 Computing Aptitude Selection Test from 3.00pm to 4.30pm on 7 Feb 2025. The venue is the Auditorium.
H2 Further Mathematics
Please note there will be a H2 Further Mathematics Selection Test on 6 Feb 2025 from 2.00pm to 3.30pm. The venue is LT4. Students should bring their writing pen (black/blue). A scientific calculator is allowed but not necessary. Writing paper and O level formula list will be provided.